Barnes Cray escorts provide the perfect alternative

I am sure that most ladies have noticed that most male porn stars have huge penises. To some of us ladies they just look amazing and watching porn movies can seriously turn me on. At the moment I am a complete solo flyer so I often watch porn movies for my own personal pleasures. It is just so much better than going out and trying to pick up a guy for some cheap sex. I am also unusual in that sense that I date male Barnes Cray escorts. First of all I really enjoy their company and there is no emotional involvement. To be honest, I am very independent and Barnes Cray escorts of provide the perfect alternative to a regular boyfriend.The other day I was chatting to Steve who is one of my regular Barnes Cray escorts about penis size and we ended up talking about male porn stars and their penises. I said to Joe that some of these guys have absolutely huge cocks and I was wondering if they were real or not. Joe said that they could have had enlargements, and I suppose that is a possibility. It was an interesting topic as one of my girlfriend’s husband had a penis enlargement on the NHS. He had a really small manhood, it was affecting him and playing on his mind. In the end, he was offered a penis enlargement on the NHS but the surgery was very complicated.


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Chatting about penis enlargements to another one of the Barnes Cray escorts who I date on a regular brought up another way of increasing your penis size. He said that a lot of his friends who work as male Barnes Cray escorts took hormones to increase their penis size. Men who are body builders sometimes take hormones to improve their muscle size, and it turns out that a lot of male Barnes Cray escorts are keen body builders. When they take hormones, it will also increase their penis size so I supposed porn stars can do that as well.I am interested in anything to do with sex, so I checked out a couple of herbal treatments as well. There are few Chinese herbs that can help you to increase penis size as well. Another one of my Barnes Cray escorts told me that health food shops such as Holland and Barrett sell them so I popped into Holland and Barrett to check it out. Sure enough they do, and one of the most popular herbals treatments is called Jiaogulan. I bought a couple of boxes and I thought I would give them to my Barnes Cray escorts to try. We have to see what happens.

Well, we are now a couple of weeks later and sure enough my male Barnes Cray escorts are claiming that their penises are both larger and firmer. Both of the Barnes Cray escorts that I gave the herbal remedy to have experienced the same result and no negative side effects. Perhaps this is what so many porn stars use to increase their penis size.

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